Romancing the Beard

What women are attracted to
Though to some it may seem weird
Is a man who has a curl-i-que
That we've come to call a beard

They seem to love what's hair-ly
On the chin and down below
That hair they find so rarely
Is that hair that they can't grow

They love that tickly feeling
When caressing bearded men
Those beards just send them reeling
For those men they have a yen

These ladies have this craving
For men with chin filled bristles
These men who do no shaving
Who have these chin filled frizzles

A beard can really dazzle
When covering a jawline
With it's sexy kind of frazzle
It can dazzle any fraulein

by Stan Cooper...8/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 593 times
Written on 2007-03-07 at 03:43

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