
The Bible teaches Thou Shalt Nots
Known as the Commandments Ten
Most of which methinks we've forgot
Perhaps we should learn them again

A life of Sainthood we could never espouse
Sainthood's not true to our nature
If trying to claim it, we'd surely arouse
Queries from our law legislature

Thou Shalt Not that and Thou Shalt Not this!
It's more then most mortals can stand
Too many Shalt Nots most folk dismiss
'Cause Shalt Nots shapes living too bland

Thou Shalt Not covet your neighbor's dear wife
A Shalt Not that's far too simplistic
Coveting her could enhance your bland life
Not coveting might send you ballistic

Perhaps some neighbor's wife covets thou
A circumstance which may often occur
Should you not give this coveting frau
Some loving to satisfy her ?

Thou Shalt Not steal. Don't give way to this tempt
Stealing breadcrumbs will cause you contrition
Though stealing some bread might make you exempt
From starving for needed nutrition

Here's a big Shalt without that big Not
Thou Shalt honor fathers and mothers
The most positive Shalt that we've got
Thou Shalt treat each of us as brothers

Thou Shalt Not ever murder commit
To kill is a cardinal sin
Thou Shalt Not even kill this poet
No matter you're feeling within

Enough of this Shalt Not unholy derision
For their true meanings we have no quarrels
Shalt Nots were written with far reaching vision
They were meant to teach all of us morals

by Stan Cooper...9/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 582 times
Written on 2007-03-07 at 04:12

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betsy Firefly
You DO have a great sense of humor, Stan and a wonderful gift with words and rhymes! You just barely rowed yourself to land on this one, however... I mean Thou shalt not make fun of the things of Thy Creator

Well meant feedback.
