What's The Rush?

Dot Coms and H-T-M-Ls
Have now become so prominent
But few of them ring my bells
I feel they're much too to dominant

This cyber world we live in
Seeks ways which are so scurried
For computers, speed's a given
But it makes me feel too hurried

What's the rush, I often wonder
Would we really be aghast
Would it be an awful blunder
Not to get nowhere so fast?

Why hurry here and hurry there?
I don't have a clue
For honestly, I wouldn't care
If things took a day or two

Like the fire slowly burns the wick
Of a candle it's dewaxing
Let's slow our flame, not be so quick
And our lives will be less taxing

by Stan Cooper...7/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 568 times
Written on 2007-03-07 at 04:16

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betsy Firefly
Great poem!