Straight Lines
I can not draw a straight line
It's really quite perplexing
This straight shortcoming of mine
Is artistic-al-ly vexing
My straight lines are so rounded
With inexorable curves
These arcs have me so hounded
They rattle my straight nerves
I so easily walk a straight line
Even after drinking
I so easily talk a straight line
Particularly when thinking
Most find it most impressive
That I walk and talk straight, fine
But I find it most depressive
Drawing rounded chalk straight lines
Curved straight lines cause frustration
With their curious curving trait
When I strive in desperation
To draw lines unbroken and straight
Most people have this dilemma
Their curved lines are etched in stone
Be they male or female gender
It's for sure I'm not alone
By Stan Cooper...5/26/02 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 591 times
Written on 2007-03-08 at 04:10