Why would an ethical woman or man
Join the villainous Ku Klux Klan?
The K K K, with repulsive licentiousness
Works at evil with base conscientiousness
All of its members having low self esteem
Sink to low levels at far out extremes
These bullies who thrive on intimidation
Are ulcers in the soul of our free loving nation!
Killing and lynching, while appallingly gloating
They browbeat victims, in their need for scapegoat-ing
Bigotry is foremost in their racist addenda
Repulsive hatred completes their agenda
Hiding cowardice behind sheets of white
They believe their large numbers prove that they're right
But these thugs won't win out in our land of freedom
As good will and decency will surely defeat them
By Stan Cooper...6/24/02 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 588 times
Written on 2007-03-08 at 04:14