This poem written for my wife Jeanne and can be sung to
Cole Porter's delightful song, "You're The Top"

You're The Top

You're the top You are most delightful
You're the top You're my towering eyeful
You're my kind of pal Who's my kind of gal To love
You are Stanley's Steamer Stan's ballet prima
Stan's turtle dove

You're the top You're my grand pi-ano
You're the top You're my bass soprano
You're the grand-ma-ma And this grand-pa-pa's a-gog
'Cause if I'm the bottom, Jeanne-ie
You're the top

You're the top You're my Holy Grail
You're the top You're my fairy tail
My American beauty You're the sweet patootie for me
You're the grand in grandeur The bon in bon jour
You're wine Chablis

You're the top You're the dream I dreamed of
You're the top You're my beef strog-an-ov
It's my mystery Why you're there for me at all
You're the fast in fastest The most in mostest
You're ten feet tall

You're the top You're my Sophia Loren
You're the top You're my most adorin
You're my cat's meow
You deserve my bow And how !
So I'll bow from the bottom
To Jeanne-ie,
You're the top

By Stan Cooper graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 614 times
Written on 2007-03-09 at 05:02

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