Golden Glow

I'm in a mid-life crisis
I was always slightly slow
Perhaps I need analysis
To accept my golden glow

Mid-life's come and gone
For me it's out of sight
This old buck is not a fawn
And for this I'm quite uptight

Yet, another hundred years, I reckon
Might be just too much for me
A lifetime that would be my second
I can't forsee with glee

So, here I am, accepting fate
As we all must do in time
I won't complain, at this late date
For living past my prime

From here-on-in, I'll golden glow
And be happy to have made it
From here-on-in, my life will flow
As I hopefully upgrade it

by Stan Cooper...10/27/03 Cartoon by Donald Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 557 times
Written on 2007-03-09 at 23:21

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