Upon Reflection

My mirrored face, I no longer know
It's not familiar at all
Why and where, did my other face go?
The face I wish to recall

This new reflection, covered with lines
Deep as engraved etchings
Perhaps seen by some as artistic designs
But on my face, not at all fetching

Bagged eyes manage some twinkles
Twinkles, not easily viewed
Twinkles, obscured by wrinkles
On a face now aged and skewed

My proboscis, awkwardly bulbous
And red as the fiery sun
Is not exactly humongous
But for noses, quite overdone

To stop this eyeful pollution
And end this alarming display
I've conceived the perfect solution
I'll throw my mirror away

by Stan Cooper...10/10/05 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 542 times
Written on 2007-03-10 at 22:29

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