

What a smile he gave the world
It's the smile that caused much static
Mr. Rembrandt did unfurl
That smile, so enigma-tic

It's the Mona Lisa smile
That has us all a-wonder
It's that smile with all that guile
Is it sadness or jocund-er?

What did Rembrandt have in mind?
Was that smile just accidental
Or did that smile, he designed
Show he was somewhat mental ?

Was her smile so saintly pure
Or just a bit sarcastic?
We will never know for sure
That's what makes it enigma-stic

by Stan Cooper...12/11/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 567 times
Written on 2007-03-11 at 05:29

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Karen Canning
you write with a unique pen and wit stan
