Excluddians In Las Vegas

They came here on Earth just to study
Their complexions half blue and half ruddy
They journeyed from space
From a far distant place
A planet we know as Excluddy

They landed on earth in a valley
They hurried with no time to dally
They jumped from their ship
Found themselves on the strip
And the first sign they saw, it said "Bally"

They needed to study our strange ways
And were ready to spend many days
But were greatly suprised
As each viewed with four eyes
The array of the strip's weird displays

From their planet they didn't detect it
Their science did never reflect it
They didn't conceive it
And couldn't believe it
Las Vegas was most unexpected

The Excluddians invisibly cloaked
Didn't want the natives provoked
They had to keep furtive
And be not assertive
No need to disturb Vegas folk

They left their saucer shaped ship
And began to explore the big strip
The Monte Carlo so beckoned
And in no time they reckoned
It's features looked really so hip

There was nothing like this on Excluddy
There planet now seemed Fuddy duddy
Smitten with Black Jack
They preferred not to go back
Delighted with this part of their study

They stopped at a real dicey table
And wondered if they would be able
To throw those red pellets
As well as those zealots
Who seemed so grossly unstable

The Poker room soon would embold them
As they watched a game known as "holdem"
Players sweared and grumbled
The cards had them humbled
But to them this was the moment most golden

Their research now was completed
Like most tourists, they were defeated
They found Vegas astounding
In spaceship home bounding
With life savings completely depleted

by Stan Cooper...2/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 614 times
Written on 2007-03-11 at 05:36

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