What is serenity?
Bills all paid so no need to worry
Just hanging out with no need to hurry
Listening to Brahms over and over
Winning a bet and rolling in clover
Knowing your kids are safe and secure
Knowing, to them you aren't obscure
A bask in the sun on a beach, so relaxing
Hearing the blues from a sax that is sax-ing
Gazing at stars at night, on the ocean
A kiss from your loved one, a loving love potion
Serenity, we see, is different for all
It's whatever makes each person enthrall
But it's really not so hard to define
It's whatever gives you true piece of mind
That is serenity
by Stan Cooper...11/2000 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 583 times
Written on 2007-03-12 at 03:30