Clicker Flicker

How I hate to bicker
About the doggone tv clicker
So it's Jeanne's, just for the asking
While frustration I keep masking

Makes no difference what is showing
It won't stay on, is what I'm knowing
I find myself just clicker bitching
About her channel clicker switching

As long as Jeanne controls that clicker
I'll be doomed to watch screen flicker
I never ever get my chances
To choose my westerns or romances

With a click click here and a click click there
Here a click, there a click everywhere a click click
All of Jeanne's incessant clicker-ing
Causes screen incessant flickering

Her tv clicking, makes me grumble
I sometimes wish that set would crumble
I try so hard to not despair
As we really are a loving pair

by Stan Cooper graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 551 times
Written on 2007-03-12 at 03:46

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Karen Canning
oh the clicker flicker, yes I have one and its drives me nuttsssss!!!!!!!!! another gem stan you always make me smile


liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Very very FUNNY! :))

That's why I live on my own HaHa :))
