
It's a fact throughout history
It lingers with persistence
That nephews can really never be
Without an uncles existence

Nieces have tried to go it alone
But found they needed their unc
A fact they really should have known
A fact they couldn't debunk

Uncle Sam, in the U.S.
Is a very auspicious uncle
Apart, they'd cause great distress
As would Simon without Garfunkel

Macho men find it so appealing
That an uncle must be a he
This notion sends their heads a-reeling
That uncles ladies can't be

Uncles are a special breed
To machos, that is a given
Uncles fill a special need
In this "auntsy" world they live in

by Stan Cooper...12/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 574 times
Written on 2007-03-12 at 04:02

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