
Geppetto took a block of wood
With knife in hand he tried
To carve his path to fatherhood
With a son wood could provide

He carved and carved all day and night
Working beaver-ishly
He soon would see the end in sight
Carving fever-ishly

He was rewarded with a son
Who was, of course, just wood
But with this son, he felt as one
It made him feel so good

To give him life he pulled some strings
And gave his son a name
Pinnochio would Geppetto bring
Some joy and even fame

But somehow all awry went things
Pinnochio found one day
He didn't seem to need those strings
They just got in his way

This new found freedom brought a cloud
Life wasn't quite so rosy
When spouting lies, he was endowed
With a nose that was too nosey

So, in the end, this wooden boy
Stopped lying through his nose
And once again became a toy
Wearing strings and puppet clothes

by Stan Cooper...11/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 566 times
Written on 2007-03-12 at 20:25

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