Nosey Around

As he lay on his back
This lady polecat
Gave him no slack
As atop him she sat

She hoped from this liar
She'd get an injection
To fulfill her desire
With his nosey projection

She knew if he lied
His wooden proboscis
Would grow and she'd guide
His lengthened faux schnoz-kiss

She hoped he'd be nosey
And give her a trip
He could make her life rosy
His nose was a pip

She begged for a tweak
That she hoped would be coming
From his long wooden beak
From his long wooden plumbing

When Pinnochio arose
He did ring her bell
She loved his grown nose
That was shafted so well

And now she's content
She's been thoroughly woodied
She was really well sent
And Pinnochio goodied

She thanks the old man
Who lived in a ghetto
She's the nosed content fan
Of old man, Geppetto

by Stan Cooper...11/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 548 times
Written on 2007-03-12 at 20:36

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