
I delight in being delighted
When wrongs are rightfully righted
I delight when society
Shows proper propriety
To those it has wrongfully slighted

I'll delight for the foregone conclusion
That we'll rid our earth of pollution
When we all coalesce
To end mans-made mess
I'll delight when we have this solution

I delight in a thunderous clap
As it strives to lightning enwrap
I delight in the rain
That is nature's champagne
It's all one big wonderous rap

There are simpler things to delight in
Like when fishermen's fish are all bight-in
When I feel like I'm one
With my daughter and son
Then I know that the worlds all-a-right-in

I delight in a grand keg of beer
I delight in a drink with a peer
It sure is delightful
In getting so tight-ful
And jocularly wishing good cheer

I delight waking up each new morn
With the rest of the day to adorn
I delight in the presence
Of the new day's new essence
And delight for the day I was born

by Stan Cooper...10/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 571 times
Written on 2007-03-13 at 03:31

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