Without Commercials

Without commercials, they seem to think
We wouldn't know what drinks to drink
We wouldn't know what cars to drive
They don't believe we could survive

Without commercials, they seem to think
Our lives would be all out of sync
What brands to buy, we wouldn't know
They seem to think our thinking's slow

How would we know just what to buy
Which airline to fly when flying high
What paste to use when teeth need brushing
What rouge to buy when cheeks need blushing

Yet, I remember life without T V
We did just fine, it seems to me
We knew just how and where to go
Without commercials to tell us so

by Stan Cooper...3/18/06 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 570 times
Written on 2007-03-13 at 03:50

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