Slight Acquaintance
When meeting a slight acquaintance on the street
An acquaintance you would rather never meet
Invariably you talk
Before continuing your walk
While you hope to find escape and quick retreat
The conversation usually has no bearing
Of anything quite worthy of your caring
It's laden with clichés
That puts you in malaise
This guy is simply very over-wearing
"What's new?" and "how's the wife and kids?" he asks
In his nothingness verbosity he basks
"Looks like rain, perhaps a shower"
He couldn't be more dour
He'll be talking at his end while in his cask
You hope his end will come about real soon
It's eleven now, so perhaps before this noon
When he finally says, "goodbye"
You heave a thankful sigh
For escaping from this talkative buffoon
by Stan Cooper...2/2/06 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 526 times
Written on 2007-03-13 at 03:57