
"A body at rest tends to remain at rest...."
My body seems to do that best
My wife insists I rest too long
A scathing appraisal I think is wrong

Lethargy's for me, I so enjoy it
Inertia's for me, so I employ it

What's wrong in resting as I please?
It's not a crime or a disease
If I could have my way
I'd do nothing every day

Lethargic I may be, I'm no go-getter
Reposing is just great, there's nothing better

To nap the day away is most relaxing
Avoiding things too strenuously taxing
I've never been too tightly wound
I have no urge to rush around

Inertia fills my fond desires
Tranquillity is all this lad requires

by Stan Cooper...11/24/04 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 564 times
Written on 2007-03-13 at 04:07

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