My Long Ago

How I love to reminisce
Of youth-filled days and times I miss
Romantic songs I often sung
Long ago when I was young

Sentimental jazz and blues
Take me on a memory cruise
I travel back to time long past
When all good things, I knew, would last

Close friendships with my teen-age pals
Exciting moments with teen-age gals
They bring to mind my youthful joy
My carefree-ness when just a boy

My roaring twenties, when more mature
Still retains their same allure
These strains I hear just seem to flow
As I return to my long-ago

Back I sail to times and places
To memories of faded faces
Faces I still long to see
The music brings them back to me

by Stan Cooper..3/27/2006 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 535 times
Written on 2007-03-14 at 01:24

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