Take Notice
My wife, tongue in cheek, challenged me
to write, of all things, my obituary
Now I wonder if I will fumble
Describing myself as, unlike me, humble
Her outlandish dare stopped me dead in my tracks
Can I write of myself with no distortion of facts?
But, write it I will, of a life I have cherished
I'll obit my life as if I have perished
Stan The Bard Cooper passed by this way
He lived a good life, till his very last day
Born 1926-died heaven knows when
He'd love to live his life all over again
Helen and Willie parent-ally great
Managed lovingly their son Stan to create
Gone many years, they were there at his start
He would like them to know they're still in his heart
His brother and sisters, two gals and a lad
Lil, Ruth and Milt were the siblings he had
Stan the youngest, by many a year
Always too young to be quite their peer
A buck-sargent in the Army Air Corps
Served in Japan in his Army Air Tour
To feed his family, he worked for the bucks
Most of his life as a salesman deluxe
Stan cleared all the bases with a home run
Fathering Lisa and Tod, his daughter and son
Survived by more he had special love for
Roy, Diane, Ellen and grand-kids galore
Leaving behind, his wife, darling Jeanne
Who made sure his life was never routine
He searched for eternity in the State of Nevada
But, let's face facts, to die, he just hadda
He's resting now, not in heaven or hell
But wherever he is, he'll surely excel
And there he is laughing, without any shame
Fleecing the dead with his sly poker game
By Stan Cooper...3/6/05 graphic by Donald Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 618 times
Written on 2007-03-14 at 21:20

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