Way Back When

"Me Tarzan, you Jane"
An Edgar Rice Burrough refrain
It takes me back to my way back when
We'll never see the likes of Tarzan again

Cowboy Tom Mix with his faithful horse Tony
The Lone Ranger with Silver, his trustworthy pony
Baseballs Yankee great, George Herman Babe Ruth
My heroes of yesteryear in my long ago youth

I'm still here, but where did they go?
Those heroes of mine who were all so gung-ho
They brought to that little kid a lifetime of joy
At my advanced age, they've kept me a boy

by Stan Cooper...10/29/05 Graphic by Donald Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 597 times
Written on 2007-03-15 at 18:48

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