*Can be sung to Gilbert & Sullivans "I've Got A Little List" from the Mikado


I know a politician
Who isn't very bright
He's our White House resident
He's our present President

He has a disposition
Which leans him too far right
He's too pro-establishment
And not too competent

He's partnered with a Cheney
Mz Rice and Rumsfeld too
Perhaps there are too many
With their righteous point of view

He's misled us into battle
That we never should have fought
We followed him like cattle
When the truth we should have sought

A wake-up call is what we need
That could lead us to impeach him
This poem can sow the seed
To end his over-reach-en

He's our White House resident
He's our present President
He's not too competent
He's not too competent

by Stan Cooper...12/17/05 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 586 times
Written on 2007-03-15 at 18:57

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