Justice?...Who knows !

In England they are barristers
In America attorneys
Who judicially administer
On legalistic journeys

The magistrate adjudicates
The jury sits and ponders
Trying to assimilate
As responsible responders

The judge requests the bailiff
To keep order in the room
As the charges by the plaintiff
Seem to spell defendant's doom

The accused is all denying
Of every charge that's made
He claims the plaintiff's lying
And seeks his lawyer's aid

The cross examination
His lawyer gives with vigor
The plaintiff feels deflation
Going through this rigorous rigor

The jury's out. It's been sequestered
They'll be out a day or two
They must be sure, the judge suggested
Keep fairness all in view

Who won this case, we'll never know
Did they get what they deserved
A plea was copped with a Quid Pro Quo
Was justice justly served?

by Stan Cooper...1/26/2006 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 545 times
Written on 2007-03-15 at 19:02

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