A Poets Curse
Quitting is not in my make-up
It's something I don't often do
I'll give my brain a big shake-up
To find those new rhymes past due
I no longer write poems easily
Particularly those that last
Dismayed, I admit, most queasily
My rhyming days seem long past
Perhaps my few fans won't give a whit
After all, a Shakespeare I'm not
Ogden Nash had such wry wit
It's his wit that I've not got
And regarding Mr. Gilbert
Of Savoyard fame
I'd be nutty as a filbert
To assume I could play in his game
It feels like a poets curse
This rhyming disappearance
Not able to create a verse
With any rhyming coherence
Quitting is not in my make-up
It's something I don't often do
I'll give my brain a big shake-up
To find those new rhymes past due
by Stan Cooper...7/21/06 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 556 times
Written on 2007-03-16 at 18:56