When I wrote this poem, a number of years ago, I didn't know just
how prophetic it was
Plenty of nothing is what they all promise
Those guys we'll be voting for
They've made me into a doubting Thomas
McCain, George Bush, and Al Gore
Forget that they promise to cut all our taxes
It's a ploy they use every four years
They will promise the earth right off of it's axis
It's enough to bring one to tears
I doubt the sincerity of most politicians
Their truth telling speeches are nil
It would be better with less rhetoricians
Who spiral our country downhill
What choice do we have, we voters who care
Forced to vote for the least of the worst
When voting like this, we don't have a prayer
Of electing a good man, as we thirst
But vote we sure will, to fulfill our sworn duty
Even though a good outcome is doubted
In the end one will win and claim all the booty
As the peoples real needs are then flouted
There should be a much better way then this
When voting for our White House resident
It's plain to me, there'd be something amiss
If McCain, Bush, or Gore became president
by Stan Cooper...2/2000 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 580 times
Written on 2007-03-18 at 06:19