
Breathing heavily now
Inhaling stardust
Life's descending into gray
Injecting imaginary love
Inhaling life - exhaling death

Razor sharp pain
Vomiting worms
My eyes gleams
Traveling through dreams

The moon smiles at me
But does it really see?
What I have done
Who I am

Injected calm makes my eyes shine
It was not I alone who were him
The "him" who kills
I was never alone!

I wear a mask of joy
The mask of a Sadist
In my blooded hands
Every life is a toy
And the world is my playground

Bizarre crescendo
Painful climax
Sculpturing an idol
Of the fear I created

I am god.

Poetry by Robert EH
Read 290 times
Written on 2005-11-08 at 10:37

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Black Knight
God is Antichrist? I think it's very bold idea...
Quite ok. Keep the horns up :))
