Bitch of nightly horrors

Time leave scars that bleeds eternally
And no god can ever heal you
The powers of bleeding
So Gruesome in its might
Won't ease its grasp until it choke you
And it will, Again and again

The light wont save you and
No tears will help you
Even though they flow

When darkness encompass you
And not a single light burns
The night will rape you
And the blaze of my scythe
Blind your frightened eyes

Into the darkest abyss I cast you
Into the deepest of depths I throw you
Save your prayers my child
Here is beyond the reach of god

I spit in contempt as I fly away
Far away from your dark abode
To the stars I fly
And I leave you to rot
In your desolation

The light wont save you and
No tears will help you
Even though they flow...

Poetry by Robert EH
Read 318 times
Written on 2005-11-09 at 01:47

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Black Knight
"It would be a mistake to consider that horror associates only with darkness, silence and loneliness. I have found it in light of the day" - H. P. Lovecraft.