There's a drug, now the rage, called Viagra
It's become famous far and wide
As it's used from Waltham to Niagara
And over the great divide
"What's the cause of such appreciation"
I asked an appreciative wife
"It lengthened my husband's abbreviation
And gave us a more satisfying life"
I asked another young lady
Who seemed happier then most
Her answer was not a bit shady
As she drank to Viagra a toast
There's no reason to shorten a good thing
It just makes its owner unfit
Ask any couple having a good fling
They won't want it shortened a bit
So to you, the Viagra creator
For stretching abbreviated gear
You are mankind's greatest elate-or
And deserve our unabbreviated cheer
by Stan Cooper...4/2000 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 565 times
Written on 2007-03-20 at 20:10