
Jascha Heifetz was most virtuosic
Menuhin, a virtuoso too
Both Violins tastefully melodic
More tasteful then tasty ragout

Virtuoso Pierre Renoir
In France is more loved then DeGaulle
An artistic paint-brushing star
Whose art-works are savored by all

A virtuoso named Oscar Levant
Known for his keyboarding of Gershwin
Was a musical piano savant
Who played Gershwin with total immersion

Virtue is not linked to virtuosity
No connection can be proclaimed
An unusually strange curiosity
Since virtu is shared in their name

Virtuosity is limited to few
Many strive but don't have a prayer
Out of millions perhaps one or two
Rate a virtuosity fanfare

by Stan Cooper...6/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 550 times
Written on 2007-03-20 at 20:41

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