I am a Kenyan but the news from Zimbabwe these days is sad and tragic.I write this in solidarity with my Zimbabwean brothers and sisters.Comrade Bob is Zimbabwe

Comrade Bob

Comrade Bob...please
stop the repressive divisive actions
allow the people to pursue their hopes
for legitimate political change

the people suffer...lack basic commodities
the rate of inflation has gone out of control
Zimbabwe is heading for economic collapse
do you really care about your people?

Comrade Bob...
you systematically undermine
your country's democratic institutions
using violence,intimidation and repressive means

Robert Gabriel...the great teacher
you have become the master of strong arm tactics
threatening to expel foreign diplomats
who fail to behave properly

you beat up brother Morgan
cracked up his skull
when the world complained
you told them to go hang

the country is in despair
and you only know how to blame Blair
for years of economic recession
and sponsoring the opposition

once upon a time you were relevant
a great independence hero
but power went to your head
and now the country has zero

you seized the white owned farms
dished them out to your supporters
who are professional land occupiers
and now Zimbabwe's food production has plunged

Comrade Bob...the writing is on the wall
you had better watch out
brace yourself for the fall
the people you oppress shall arise
and break free from your oppressive yoke

Poetry by Maik
Read 209 times
Written on 2007-03-21 at 13:40

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