Darkness Within 2 - Victim

Arrogant, there she goes
High and mighty walking on tippy toes
She thinks she's all that
But really all she is, is a stinking rat
She enjoys boasting how she stole another's man
How he's like a puppy dog obeying to every clap of her hand
And she laughs at the other girl to her face
All she is concern about is that she wins the race

Unfortunately for her that girl is a beloved friend
Her broken heart I am now left to mend
So its time I got into this mix
Her attitude on life I am intent to fix
For all the tears that my friend cried I'll make her pay
Actually just for the fun of it I'd do it any way

Firstly I'll put a call to her house
Speaking to her mom I'll highlight how she's a louse
Bring to light her naughty little deeds
"Please do something about your daughter" shall be my plead
Of course I'll bend the truth a little bit
Her mom getting an ear full is bound to throw a fit

And as her innocence now being questioned was my goal
The rest of my plan will over the next few months unfold.
In the end when she breaks I'll watch her scream and cry
Music to my ears and I wouldn't lie
That every moment of havoc that I bring to her
In side me old feelings did it stir

A taste of things that shall come to past
With other people's lives I shall make mass
The darkness within has been forever freed
Mercy is for the weak shall be my creed
For victims we are all
And further into darkness is my eventual fall.....

Poetry by Nicholai S.L. Sutherland
Read 235 times
Written on 2007-03-21 at 17:51

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