Pork Pie

The Scotch claim pork pie
The Irish thought of it
I don't know why
The English without it
Would probaby die
Americans know
It's just pie in the sky

Pork baked in puffy pastry shell
The Scotch, Irish and English love it
But for most Yanks, it rings no bell

There is lemon merengue, blueberry pie
Even apple strudel
To put pork pie in this great class
You must be off your noodle

by Stan Cooper...10/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 572 times
Written on 2007-03-24 at 06:58

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Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
How can one not check out a poem titled "Pork Pie" Glad i did very well written and very funny. lol

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Then I am deff
off my noddle :))

I love pork pie.

Very funny.

Should Scotch
be Scotts or scotish?

The wording kind
of confused me :)

I love this poem though.
