The Essence Of Me?

I wonder if the essence of me
Can be perceived introspectively
Or must it come from an outside source
Whose thoughts of me, I might not endorse?

Am I loving, caring and truly opposed
To anything less, I'd consider too gross?
Or dispassionate, unfeeling, really a cad
Who sadly turns people hopping-ly mad?

Am I the wise old owl who knows all the truth
Or a foolish bumpkin who's somewhat uncouth?
Of their conclusions, will I fully agree
Or claim their findings are really not me?

by Stan Cooper....5/25/01 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 678 times
Written on 2007-03-24 at 07:20

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Karen Canning
quite a deep piece from you today stan, only you knows the real you (smiles)

karen xx