
Dot Com, Dot Org and Dot Net
Just three dots of many more
There's never been a dot I've met
As efficient as this dot corps

These dots, conceived as domains
Are known to most nerdy net web-ers
Whose nerdy computer brains
Use dots in their nerdy endeavors

Why not combine dots with dashes
As Mister Morse did in code
Would dashes foul up the dot caches
Found in computer abodes?

Computing nerds surely agree
There's no need for dot-less irk-ing
With the absence of dots they'd be all at-sea
Drowning, when internet working

by Stan Cooper...4/26/01 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 593 times
Written on 2007-03-25 at 18:07

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