What's A Guy To Do ?!

What's a guy to do
When he can't handle all that's new?

He tries and tries to keep up to date
But it seems for him it's just too late

Computers, to whom, most are usable
To this poor guy, they're most confusable

He's finally conquered VCR-ing
Now DVDs his mind is jarring

They make him feel somewhat half-assed
For living somewhere in the past

What's a guy to do
When he can't handle all that's new?

I'll tell that guy just what to do
The best things in life are not all new

He can read those classics from way back when
They're still with us, and for that amen

He can tell the kids of his hey-day-ing
His jitterbug and swing and sway-ing

He could spout those values that now seem lost
To hope they take, keep his fingers crossed

He can show the kids that this old fool
In their own terms, is really "cool"

There are many things that guy can do
The best things in life are not all new

by Stan Cooper...1/7/02 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 618 times
Written on 2007-03-26 at 04:35

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