Relics From The Past

We never thought they'd disappear
We took them all for granted
But now long gone, it seems quite clear
They've been permanently supplanted

Carbon paper, remember it?
It copied printed matter
Creating files in triplicate
It helped us save our data

Fashion concious men
Covered shoes with spatz
Fashionable women
Wore millinery hats

Cars with rumble-seats
In our driving apparatus
Were driven by elites
As a way of showing status

Since the Frigidaire's displaced it
The ice-box now seems crude
We've frigidly replaced it
As our way of cooling food

Fashionably in style
Oil-cloth covered floors
Now covered flooring tile
Is found on floors indoors

With wooden shafted clubs
Golf courses we abused
For golfing way-ward dubs
Now metal shafts are used

The list goes on and on
Of relics from the past
Looking back, they had their charm
It's sad some didn't last

Perhaps I'm too a relic
Passing through life's stage
Though presently idyllic
Not lasting past old age

By Stan Cooper...3/28/04 Cartoon by Donald Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 540 times
Written on 2007-03-26 at 21:55

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