I Ain't What I Was

I ain't what I was, no more, no more
I ain't what I was, no more
It's quite easy to see
I'm no longer quite me
I ain't what I was, no more

I've been feeling bereft
Since my youth's up and left
I ain't what I was, no more

My long ago passion
Seems now out of fashion
I ain't what I was, no more

My waist-line so rounded
Keeps me well grounded
I ain't what I was, no more

The gals all agree
That this old fogy
Ain't what he was, no more

I ain't what I was, no more, no more
I ain't what I was, no more
So, to hell with the past
The past doesn't last
I ain't what I was, no more

By Stan Cooper...1/15/04 Cartoon by Donald Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 591 times
Written on 2007-03-27 at 12:44

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good read