A Husband's Appeal

When I'm interrupted
While I'm interrupting
I find it most disrupting

It's not polite, you know
To get me all up-tight, you know
It causes me no end of woe

I simply must convey to you
Those thoughts I must portray to you
I've got a lot to say to you

Your disrupting infusion
Of verbiage intrusion
Is causing me confusion

My life would be much more at ease
If you'd try awhile to me appease
So sit and listen, would you please

Don't fear, your words won't fly away
Be sure, you'll ultimately have your say
With your loving, very verbiage buffet

By Stan Cooper...1/10/04 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 583 times
Written on 2007-03-29 at 05:07

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