Twain Of Thought

Mark Twain offered many a chuckle
With his Twain-ish writing technique
When creating both Tom and Huckle
He wrote with his tongue in his cheek

In the Puddinhead Wilson creation
Twain's serious side we find
It was slavery's abomination
He penned with satiric mind

Writing in political vein
His ideals he wanted fulfilled
No one ever could Twain constrain
As his pen just wouldn't be stilled

He illuminated in broad scope
Important issues of his day
Mark Twain, now, could help us cope
With today's world's disarray

By Stan Cooper...6/9/03 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 575 times
Written on 2007-03-29 at 23:01

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