Artistic Integrity

To artistic integrity
I make no claim
Rhyming eccentricity
Is more my game

What pops into my head
Is written down
Never sure what's ahead
Be it verb, be it noun

I've been laden with doubt
By critic dissenters
They are so devout
These nitpick tormentors

When my poem is all done
Not completely a sham
I've written my fun
Artistic integrity be damned

by Stan Cooper...1/9/03 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 575 times
Written on 2007-03-31 at 23:59

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Yea stan these creative critic types really are frustrated poets no one reads imo!lol You tell them, as far as I am concerned Artistic Integrity mean, first and formost, created from an open honest heart, as your poem is. Eccentricity is a also on the list of must haves with poet too. Smiling at you, Tai