Take A Pill

Your throat is sore and has you coughing
And what's more, you're sneezing too
When feeling better's not in the offing
Here's what you must do
Take a pill

Your fever's high, you're feeling flu-ish
You're gonna die, of that you're sure
It's got you down, your feeling blue-ish
How will you endure?
Take a pill

It's enough to cause conniptions
Your rapid pulse is running fast
You better fill your Doc's prescriptions
If you are to last
Take a pill

When you're ill, you'll surely get through
Though your health has ill defects
Just make sure the pills don't get you
With their side effects
Take a pill?

Pills don't seem to get Docs doze-y
When prescribing you those pills
Doctors seem so fit and cozy
Collecting all your bills
Take a pill?

There's got to be a better way
Like being more preventive
To keep those Doctor bills away
A comforting incentive
And..no more pills

By Stan Cooper...1/2003 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 573 times
Written on 2007-04-01 at 00:06

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Interesting. This piece started out as almost suggestive advice for people feeling under the weather, but transitioned into a clever insight on society's dependency for material things such as medication and prescriptions for every little bump or ripple in our health. Hoax? Placebo? You decide! Very good work, sir.