I've Kept Them All These Many Years

Crammed memories
Kept all these years
Trigger reveries
Of long lost peers

Those Proust-ian reminders
Sound, scent, and song
Replace emotional blinders
With feelings that belong

A first adolescent kiss
Yearning for a second
Recaptures youthful bliss
Of sweet lips that beckoned

Comrades, boyhood pals
Glide on fledgling wings
Soar with pretty gals
On carefree, joyous flings

Times of passion flow
It's history enthralling
Assures my present glow
With memories worth storing

By Stan Cooper...12/14/02 Cartoon by Donald Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 575 times
Written on 2007-04-01 at 00:15

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Another beautiful piece about good 'ole memory lane. Perhaps a hint of envy and desire for younger years? Hits it right on the head. Very good work.