You've Been Around A While

If you drove a Studebaker
Recall Page Boy's hairy style
When the gals were still homemakers
You've been around a while

If you sat through silent movies
When admission was a dime
Thinking Clara Bow was groovy
You've been around some time

When mail call was your passion
'Cause G.I. Joe was you
If you lived on your K-Ration
You must know you're not quite new

If you danced with gals real close
And you stole a kiss or three
When the gals wore nylon hose
You're now a retiree

So, get it through your head
Don't let it drive you nuts
Your youth's been fully shed
No ands or ifs or buts

By Stan Cooper...10/2002 Cartoon by Donald Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 585 times
Written on 2007-04-01 at 05:16

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I have been around a while and have the hair cut, but always have preferred that style. Thankfully I cannot say I remember most of the other memory prompters you use here in this sweet little poem, well done. An amusing read indeed, Smiling at you, Tai