For my inspired poetic friends, just a suggestion. If you are not
familiar with the works of the great Gilbert & Sullivan, give yourselves a break and jump right in....You'll love it !!!!

Sir Gilbert

As Sullivan's musical catalyst
Sir Gilbert, the lyrical satirist
Wrote words so amazing
His most clever phrasing
Was crammed with many a patter-twist

His uplifting view of the masses
Spoofed society's uppity classes
He created a fool-bah
In haughty old Pooh Bah
Who's foolishness, no one surpasses

At dispensing justice, The Mikado was an oficionado
He played this role with grandiose bravado
"His object so sublime
Fit punishment to crime"
Did this all-mighty Emperor, The Mikado

Their Comic Operas, not at all bore-ish
Their word-gems so Pinafore-ish
"Trial By Jury's" a laugher
"The Penzeance" a gaffer
They wrote nothing at all amateur-ish

"Let's give three cheers, I'll lead the way"
For Sir Gilbert's comical lyric buffet
For all his buffoonery
To Sullivan's tune-ery
"Hurrah Hurrah Hooray, Hurrah Hurrah Hooray"

by Stan Cooper...5/8/03 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 618 times
Written on 2007-04-01 at 05:24

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