It's a word he himself thought up
Gary Cooper, that eloquent pup
No one before used it
Or even perused it
The word, of course, it was "yup"
That tall and gangly guy
Who rode in his saddle so high
His english quite broken
He was often out-spoken
So appeared grammatically shy
He never failed to impress
Those damsels he saved from distress
They never were bored
By his yups they adored
He yupped with yupping finesse
Actors with lesser dimension
Would not have received fond attention
With their yupping away
They'd cause much dismay
Dismay beyond apprehension
Gary had something unique
It was his yupping technique
He yuppied and talked
With his mouth full of chalk
That was Gary Cooper's mystique
By Stan Cooper...9/2002 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 605 times
Written on 2007-04-01 at 05:35