This was written in anticipation of the year 2000 Presidential Election results in The United States


I wish we all could magically
Conjure up a way
To invent a better strategy
For this election's disarray

A genie with a magic wand
Conjured up by us
Could help this campaign to abscond
And rid us of all this fuss

We conjured fears of Y2K
Were concerned with abberations
Dimpled chads, to our dismay
Bore out those speculations

Conjure up a real solution
There's been much too much excess
This election's been pollution
It's an Al Gore George Bush mess

Come on genie, work your magic
Don't let our country down
This election's downright tragic
Our Founding Fathers frown

by Stan Cooper...11/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 613 times
Written on 2007-04-01 at 06:11

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