
It's not easy writing lyrically
When writing of inflation
It doesn't come empirically
There's much mis-information

The dollar's up! The dollar's down!
Does it really matter?
Some will smile, some will frown
Most will do the latter

When money's in excess
It's deemed to be inflationary
Then dollars buy much less
They're never ever stationary

What can we do
To deflate spiralling dollars?
Having no clue
We rely on money scholars

They try to solve our puzzle
By raising taxes so
Perhaps they should be muzzled
For taking all our dough

Never causing much elation
For the poor guy at his till
Inflation and deflation
Come and go, they always will

by Stan Cooper...7/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 591 times
Written on 2007-04-06 at 00:22

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