Telepathy and Such

I wonder about wondrous claims
Made which such wondrous ardor
When I wonder about their aims
I conclude most are just fodder

Telepathy irks me most
And those special folk who can do it
They claim they can speak with ghosts
If they do, I'm sure the ghosts rue it

Their claims of clairvoyance
True knowledge obstructs
Most are frauds and annoyance
And are done just for bucks

Don't let them seduce you
They're only mere mortals
Don't let them induce you
To walk through their portals

Just beware of these psychics
As they work at mind-blinding
And their mystical sidekicks
With their special ax grinding

Cults are too cult-ish
With mystics deceiving
Don't become doltish
By mystic believing

by Stan Cooper...3/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 853 times
Written on 2007-04-09 at 09:39

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yoonoos peerbocus
great depth displayed here