
It is very much astounding
And somewhat more confounding
What happens when a horse no longer races
If the horse is just a mudder
He can still become a studder
To enjoy his future life that he now faces

Horses done with racing
Find mares so all embracing
Fraternizing with their sexy concubines
When retirement they're facing
They go female hors-ey chasing
To better all their pony hors-ey blood lines

It surely is a shame
That a man can't do the same
As thoroughbred, his life would be a blast
He'd have his fill of dames
Enjoying sexist games
Forgetting his less sexy muted past

by Stan Cooper...3/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 698 times
Written on 2007-04-09 at 09:45

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Karen Canning
your poetry always makes me smile, you should win an award for that
